April 30, 2009


I'm sick. I lose it all of a sudden. I wasn't born like you, you or you... It's something that might kill me. And because I'm not taken seriously I can't take any medication.

Because everything's always alright and the bad things don't ever happen to us, only to the others. So what's wrong is ignored and pretended to be right. The wrong is ridiculed so the wrong people keep trying and pretending to be right. But they're not. They won't ever be. They are who they are, they live how they live, they love who they love and they die with their own reasons. What's the big deal? Why are you always trying to be perfect? Why am I always trying to be perfect? Why is everyone trying to be perfect? People are who they are, there's nothing you can do about it...

Byebye readers,

April 23, 2009

I wish I had an Angel, too

Sometimes I find myself getting lost in the dark mist that shrouds my life, sometimes it's a really dark mist. And I cry. And I want to scream, but I can't make any noise late at night. It's a mix of wanting attention and wanting to be alone.
In times like that, I fall on my knees, and inside my head I'm screaming. Screaming for an angel to lead the way, to hold me and to take me away. My angel. The one who's protecting me ever since I was born not letting me die until my time comes.
I even have a name for you, you know? It's a secret, I don't even say it to myself because you might listen, I even try not to think about it because you might read my mind. I know you're always beside me, but I wish you could show yourself to me. I wish you would hold me in the dark nights that I'm crying, trying so hard not to make the slightest noise and hiding under my sheets, so no one can find me crying.
I know you're there, I know you're crying with me, and I know it hurts you when I inflict even more pain to myself. Maybe you're protecting me from myself, maybe you're the "thing" that's stopping me... That would be okay if you would show yourself and held me in your arms, covering me with your wings and then I would feel your angelic tears fall on my naked chest.
I wish I really had you! Come see me sometime, will you?

Lost Angel by =Sugargrl14 on deviantART

April 19, 2009


We all have a face. Not just a face, our own face. It's important because it's part of our identity. When you think of someone you don't imagine their hands or their butts (I guess!), you imagine their faces.
Most people care about how their face looks, they don't want to have wrinkles, pimples, scars nor whatever that might change their faces in a negative way. Some of them go see doctors, some people cover their faces with makeup and some hide.
For me, a face is the ultimate symbol of identity and the reason for this blog's name, Faceless, is not that I don't have a face, I'm just not going to reveal it. Of course, you get to know a little about my "face" as you read the blog.
Why hide? Simply because I feel like I can share anything like this without people talking about a specific person writing whatever it is that might bother you.

Faceless Reflection by ~Danev on deviantART

April 17, 2009

Usual Introductory Post

I started Faceless because I had this need to share somethings from my life with people, people who don't know who I am or what I look like.
You probably know that people are always talking about other people, not minding their own business (not everyone, but there's lots of people who do that), now, with Faceless I have a chance of sharing the darkness shrouding my life with the world, and people who may feel the same or understand what I'm talking about, and not having some uncomprehending person to read what I'm writing and go spread rumors.
Now, about me. I'm a guy who's still on his teen years, as you know from the previous paragraphs, I don't like uncomprehending people and I don't like to share my most insane, dark, weird and dirty little secrets with people I know. I've seen a psychologist a several times, right now I'm not seeing one, he makes me feel better but as time goes by I end up the same. I went to some psychiatrists, but I didn't share much with them because I felt that I couldn't trust them, just like with my psychologist, but with time I got used to him and after a few sessions I could talk to him about pretty much everything that was troubling me.
I'd love to share a little more about me, but I think you would not want to read my blog anymore. See you on my next post.
Feel free to comment whatever you want, you got your freedom of speech.

April 16, 2009


This blog was just created and is currently being tested for customization purposes.

First real post coming soon.